The Automation Tool For Secure

Web3 Smart Contracts

The First No Code Web3 Approach to Contract Execution.
Our Public Beta Is Now Live

Immutable Enforceable Smart Contracts
Revolutionary protocol that transforms contracts into immutable and enforceable smart contracts.
Revolutionary protocol
Connect crypto wallets for seamless, integrated payment transactions deployed on the Polygon Network.
User Protections
Ensure secure payment  while minimizing the risk of fraud.
All-In-One Solution
Draft terms, create and sign contracts, and automate payments in a single, unified platform.
You'll be wild about this...
Immutable Smart Contract
Powered by Polygon
SEA Wizard Smart Contract Tool
Smart Wallet Transactions
Multi Currency Capability
Web3 Technology Platform
Decentralized Escrow and Automated Payments
Low Gas Fees
Enterprise Grade Security
Fully Audited by Hashlock
Contract Management Dashboard
Payments for every use case
Selfient revolutionizes payment transactions from wallet to wallet using smart contract templates for one-time payments, milestone payments, and linear payments.
For Single Tasks or Projects
One-Time Payments
  • Funds are released as soon as deliverables are met.
  • Works for creating simple contracts, like buying a kitten, creating a video,  logo/ design work, structured development work.
For large projects
Milestone Payments

Works for website design & development, mobile app development work, content writing, marketing campaigns.

Periodic Fixed Payments
Linear Agreements

Works for Discord moderation and salary based employment.

of freelancers live paycheck to paycheck
of freelancers get paid on time
of freelancers have unpaid invoices
(Smart Engagement Agreement)
The ultimate Web3 escrow solution designed to unleash the full potential of Web3 business.
Anonymity, Safety, and Security are at the core of the SEA Wizard - operating in crypto is now optimized, easier, and more reliable.
The SEA Wizard is a foundational element for Web3 smart contracts. It empowers tech and non-technical users to create no-code, enforceable smart contracts.
Focus on Business Growth
The SEA Wizard allows freelancers to concentrate on their business growth and delivering exceptional results without the constant worry of delayed or uncertain payment.
Anonymity and Confidentiality
Deal transactors can manage their personal data, safeguarding their privacy  while conducting business deals securely on the blockchain.
Secure Payment Release
With SEA Wizard, freelancers can be confident that payment will be securely released to them once the work is successfully completed, eliminating payment-related concerns.
Crypto-Friendly Operations
Seamlessly operate business in the world of cryptocurrencies, eliminating the inefficiencies of traditional payment methods and embracing the advantages of decentralized finance.
What We Do
We make complex things simple.
With Selfient, one can effortlessly craft smart contracts for all  business needs. – whether for personal or employment arrangements, or crucial business deals.

No coding skills required – that’s a game changer
How We Do It
No-Code Smart Contracts
One doesn’t need coding skills to create smart contract agreements on Selfient.
Decentralized Escrow
We ensure trust utilizing on-chain contracts that lock funds and hold them securely until the conditions of the deal are met.
Real-Time Payments
Immediate payments upon meeting contract milestones, or through our linear agreements, which allow project funds to be claimed as soon as the contract initiates, and as frequently as every 12 seconds, if desired.
Contract Management Dashboard
Keep track of all contracts and pending actions in one place.
Transparency and Efficiency
Blockchain technology ensures transparent and tamper-proof records, reducing disputes and saving costs.
Elimination of Intermediaries
Say goodbye to middlemen, streamlining transactions and making them more secure.
How it works
Connect Wallet and
Sign In
To create a contract, sign in with your Web3 cryptowallet. Simply click on "Connect Wallet" on the Selfient homepage and sign in.
Create “New Agreement”
To create a contract, click on "New Agreement" in the left-hand sidebar of the screen. Once there, start filling in the details of the agreement (Project Information) including the parties involved in the contract (and their wallet address). Once this is complete, the contract will be finalized and funded.
Sign & Send the Contract To the Other Party
Share a contract link with the party responsible for accepting and signing it. Once completed, the contract is set in motion.
SEA Activated
Once the contract is accepted and signed, it is placed on the Polygon chain where the terms of the agreement and contract type dictate the rules of the release of funds.
The Automation Tool for secure

Web3 Smart Contracts

The First  No Code Web3 Approach to Contract Execution.
What is Selfient?
How do I get started with Selfient?
How does it work?
Where is the money stored?
What is the difference between a regular smart contract and an escrow smart contract?